Friday, June 19, 2009


Sometimes being a leader is really hard. Sometimes it's great. But other times it can kind of suck. Most of you know that I am on staff at a church. Most of the time I enjoy what I do. There are other times though when it's not so fun. Times when you experience resistance from those on your team. When everybody questions you and you just wish people would follow. There are times when you feel like you are not liked, but merely tolerated. Times when you want people to be hungry and willing to change...but they are not. I am actually not a very good leader. I don't think I am poor leader, I am just aware that "leader" is not one of my primary gifts. That being said, if I was a gifted leader I probably would have a strategy for the things listed above. I would know how to get people to follow me and make them feel empowered at the same time. Sometimes though I just want to lead like Denzel Washington in "remember the titans". I want to just say, "this is how it is, take it or leave it". But I don't because that's not me. At least not yet. :) I am contemplating various leadership styles though and am contemplating being a little more direct in my style. I don't want to be a dictator, I just want to be moving my team toward something better than stagnant. Don't get me wrong, stagnant is much better than we were a couple of years ago. That just doesn't cut if for me though. After a while, I start feeling like if I am not growing and stretching, I am dying. Anyway, thanks for listening my faithful blog.

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